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夏天 Construction at Central Catholic

夏天 Construction at Central Catholic

On Wednesday, 小君e 19, a group of students broke ground for the St. Marcellin Champagnat Peace Garden in front of the Hampshire Street Entrance.

的 Peace Garden is one of four exciting projects happening on campus this summer.

Two students in hard hats holding shovels


谢谢你! to the following students for helping to kick off our summer projects (listed in left to right order in photo at top of page):

  • Sarah Tressler '27, Student Council
  • Joseph D'Arcangelo '24, Student Council
  • Griffin Murphy '26, Student Council
  • 7月ia Malowitz '24, Student Council
  • Elias Zouein '26, Student Council
  • Ana Belkus '28, Incoming Freshman
  • 悉尼·伯拉德25岁,绿色星球
  • Ryan Demers '25, Student Council
  • Luke Armano, 25岁,学生会成员

This summer’s projects are being managed by 三叉戟项目优势组是中央天主教堂之一 企业 & 社区合作伙伴. 三叉戟是由 吉诺·巴罗尼74年, a Past Chair (and current member) of the CCHS Board of Directors and a member of the Building & 理由是委员会.



学生 having lunch in Baroni Hall

Baroni Hall is being refreshed to create a new and vibrant feel for the 2024-2025 Academic Year!

Named for generous and dedicated alumnus 吉诺·巴罗尼74年, Baroni Hall was built as part of the South Wing construction project in 2004 and has served as Central Catholic’s dining hall for 20 years! 巴罗尼大厅也会举办 愿景 咖啡馆, 校友活动及聚会, 教师活动, 运动实践, 学生活动, 和更多的.

This project is made 可能的 by the generous support of 吉诺·巴罗尼74年.


的 阿尔伯特·彼得森50岁 Student Life Center


Space on the ground floor of the South Wing of campus is being transformed into the Peterson Student Life Center.

This new space will house our 体育运动 and 活动 Offices and will serve as a hub of student life on campus.

With 30 varsity sports programs 和更多的 than 50 different clubs and activities, the Student Life Center will certainly be a busy place.

In order to accommodate the Student Life Center, the Raider Campus Store is moving to a new space adjacent to the Student Life Center.

This project is being made 可能的 by the generous support of 阿尔伯特·彼得森50岁.


的 Raider Campus Store 搬迁 & 重新设计


Raider Campus Store is being relocated next to the Peterson Student Life Center.

This newly created space is being designed to best highlight the wide range of Raider apparel, 小礼品, and school supplies offered daily to students, 父母, 和校友.


圣. Marcellin Champagnat Peace Garden

Concrete walkway and entrance into school

的楼梯, 人行道, and greenspace in front of the Hampshire Street Entrance will be transformed over the summer into a reflective sanctuary on campus that will include three elements.

Water color rendering of construction project

《印象派家庭祈祷 & 冥想迷宫

使之成为可能 奥利维亚(2014年印象派)汉堡

的 Madeline (Howshan) 罗西 Stations of the Cross

使之成为可能 劳伦斯·J. (1964)和Patricia C. 罗西 为了纪念拉里的母亲.

《理查》(1961) & 玛丽莲·桑塔加蒂圆形剧场

使之成为可能 理查德J. ('61) & 玛丽莲Santagati.

Two students in hard hats holding shovels in front of status of Mary

圣母像, which has stood watch over our students and faculty in front of the original school building on Auburn Street and at various other places on campus throughout our history, will become a part of the Peace Garden.

This project is made 可能的 by donations from generous supporters combined with funds raised by students through 2023年步行马拉松.

Two students in hard hats holding shovels

谢谢你! to all those who are making these 升级和改进 可能的!

Stay tuned for updates and details on the changes happening on campus over the summer!

Two shovels with CC logos in front of bush


夏天 办公时间

  • 周一至周四
  • 上午8时至下午2时
  • 封闭的星期五
  • In effect through Labor Day, Monday, September 2

Enter through the Main Entrance by the Courtyard between the Memorial Gymnasium and the Hampshire Street Building) and check in at the Welcome Desk in the Webster Family Lobby.

进来之前, please confirm that the person or office you would like to see is available and is not on vacation or has another commitment.





  • Thursday, 7月y 4 (in observance of Independence Day)
  • Monday, September 2 (in observance of Labor Day)

进来之前, please confirm that the person or office you would like to see is available and is not on vacation or has another commitment.

夏天的计划 & 事件






